nargile salon造句


  1. There are said to be fewer than a dozen nargile salons left in Istanbul, and a few in nearly every other Turkish city.
  2. No matter what kind of storms shake this ancient city, within the smoky and fragrant confines of the Erzurum Nargile Salon all is right with the world.
  3. Although many of the patrons at the Erzurum Nargile Salon are of a certain age, and although no one expects the stately nargile ( pronounced NARG-ee-leh ) ever to regain its supremacy in the tobacco world, the water pipe culture here is in no danger of dying.
  4. It's difficult to find nargile salon in a sentence. 用nargile salon造句挺难的


  1. "nargi"造句
  2. "nargil"造句
  3. "nargila"造句
  4. "nargile"造句
  5. "nargile cafe"造句
  6. "nargileh"造句
  7. "nargilehs"造句
  8. "nargin"造句
  9. "nargis"造句
  10. "nargis akhter"造句

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